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President Donald Trump isn’t a man who cries easily. He’s a man who throughout his life has been known for his toughness, not his tears. And yet here he is weeping at a celebration of the birth of Christ and what that birth would mean to a fallen world.

When is the last time you saw an American president respond to the lighting of the White House Christmas tree in this way? When is the last time you heard a President personally give a reading from the Gospel of Luke of the account of the birth of Christ as he did? I never have, and my educated guess is that no one reading this ever has. Perhaps it’s time; probably it’s past time and high time for some Christian “Never-Trumpers,” and Trump-bashers and “Non-Trump-Trusters” to rethink their positions a little bit.

A couple of months ago I heard an evangelist refer in his sermon to “that fruitcake in the White House.” Just recently I watched and heard another preacher, the pastor of a large church in Texas, refer to “that fool in the White House” during his message. Both of these men are self-proclaimed Bible believing, Bible preaching preachers. Here are two simple questions: (1) What kind of an example do preachers like these set for those in their congregations, and (2) what do they reveal about their own spiritual state with remarks like these? It's hard to imagine that they spend much time, if any at all, in prayer for President Trump. And if they don’t, what does this say about how submissive they are to the authority of God’s Word over their own lives? Gives one pause for thought, doesn't it?

It’s interesting to me, and really tragic, that the same people who now burn up energy badmouthing President Trump, hardly raised a chipmunkian squeak relative to former occupants of the White House; people who identified with nothing less than evil in terms of their support for things like abortion and the worst perversions known to mankind. But these same people suddenly have plenty of time, volume and vitriol to “trash” President Trump in the name of Christian “principle.” There’s something strange about this isn’t there?

President Trump has, just as a matter of fact, done in two years, more positive things for this country in terms of the defense of individual liberty and national sovereignty than any of the half dozen Presidents combined did who preceded him. He has gone out of his way to do more by way of using his office to help persecuted Christians while his predecessors, combined, did almost, if not altogether, nothing. Still there are many Christians who bitterly oppose him and his presidency. Is this not somewhat odd?

Since taking office, President Trump has given more evidences of being a believer in Christ – albeit, a “babe in Christ” – than many professed Christians in Bible believing churches give in their lifetimes. One would think that Christians and Christian leaders would all be praying for this, noticing this, happy about this, for President Trump’s sake. Wouldn't it seem surreal if they weren't?

The “Never-Trumper,” Trump-bashing and “Non-Trump-Trusting” element among Christians seem to care not at all for any of the above. And this, at least for me, defies comprehension at several levels, but especially within a Scriptural and spiritual context.

How do these attitudes and this kind of discourse fit or play into the Christian concept of forgiveness or praying for political leaders and caring about the salvation of their souls? How is it consistent with biblical passages such as the following:

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever

things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things

are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

—Phil. 4:8

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of

thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead

a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable

in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the

knowledge of the truth.”

—1 Tim. 1-4

Many believers, myself included, were angered and sickened by the moral character and political agenda that our previous President brought to the White House. But we prayed for his salvation. And, We would have been glad had we seen signs that He was trying to make America great again, as President Trump seems to be doing by reconnecting our country with the Judeo-Christian principles upon which this Republic was founded. But the former President instead did all that he could to disconnect us from these principles and reduce our nation to the level of a third world country.

It just seems incredibly incomprehensible that any American would not see and appreciate the good that President Trump, in spite of all the flaws they see or think they see in him, has done and is doing for America. It is profoundly perplexing to me that some who name the name of Christ would give the impression that they are stubbornly and happily, consigning his soul to hell. For me, irrationality, unreasonableness and spiritual inconsistency at this level can only be explained by what I call the insanity of sin.

This post is not a blanket endorsement of everything about President Trump’s history, his behavior or his presidency. It is, to be quite candid, an admission of my support for a man whom I think is trying his best to help our nation; a man who, if he hasn't already become, shows good promise of becoming, a child of God.

This is also an admission of my own profound perplexity at the irrational, unreasonable and unchristian animosity that I see being directed at this president; and of my grief over the nonchalance with which the Christian testimony has been made a shambles by people who ought to know better.

I’m frankly, deeply disturbed by the basically inexplicable treatment this President is getting from some preachers and Christians. From a Christian standpoint, I think that what we are seeing is something indicative of, and part of, the postmodern, post-truth, post-Christian era into which we have descended as a nation. I think something very dark and spiritually chaotic and deadly is metastasizing in the minds and souls of a large segment of our society; even among those who name the name of Christ.

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