The Mutual Benefit of An Intentional Role Model
This article originally posted by the author at Being an intentional role model has taught me that I must be an...
Star Wars & Christians - part 4
This series is adapted from episode 11 of the Reason Together Podcast found HERE. Series outline: I. What is the content? A. Are there...
Star Wars & Christians - Part 3
This series is adapted from episode 11 of the Reason Together Podcast found HERE. Series outline: I. What is the content? A. Are there...
Star Wars & Christians - Part 2
This series is adapted from episode 11 of the Reason Together Podcast found here. Series outline: I. What is the content? A. Are there...
Star Wars & Christians - Part 1
Can a movie like Star Wars make a Christian become a Buddhist just by watching it? Is it dangerous? Let's answer these questions rationa