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I recently read an article online, entitled "Six reasons Why Your Pastor is About to Quit.” The reasons revolve mostly around the current “pandemic” and its effect on churches. There is no doubt that these all constitute real reasons why some pastors have quit or are about to quit. From a fleshly, human point of view, there’s room for sympathy here. But are these six reasons good, justifiable, honorable, biblical reasons? Answer: I think not.

There are some things here in this “Six Reasons … “ article that can and ought to serve as reminders to people to pray for their pastors for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which is their vulnerability as special targets of the devil. There are reminders here of how easy it might be for pastors to give an advantage to the devil because of “criticisms,” their “workload,” what their future looks like “financially,” “losing members and attendance,” “fighting taking place among church members” or unusual situations and issues that come along either in the form of a “pandemic” or a hurricane that destroys all their property, etc., etc.

But, I think articles like this are, for the most part, off base. I think they are more harmful than they are helpful. I think they are out of line with the teaching and tenor of the Bible, and I think they are obstructive and counterproductive to spiritual victory. I can't see anything here that could edify, encourage or equip anyone in terms of truth that brings things into proper focus for Christians — especially pastors.

This “Six Reasons … “ article is sadly typical of our day; a day when God’s people often do and say things that they should be embarrassed to do or say; a day when many have become like those in Jeremiah’s day who had lost their ability to blush (Jer. 6:15). I’ll just say it — men who have quit or are about to quit their churches solely, totally, because of finances, church trouble, workload, etc., and with the leadership of the Holy Spirit being no part of the equation or decision, ought to be ashamed of themselves. Very much ashamed. And, they ought to examine themselves in terms of their calling to the ministry and how much of a role the fear of God plays in their lives.

Something to consider: There may be some exceptions somewhere in America, but I suspect that there are few if any pastors here who have “yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin” (Heb. 12:4). Great multitudes of pastors throughout history have refused to quit and walk away from the “flock of God over the which the Holy Ghost,” had made them “overseers” (Acts 20:28) in spite of government persecutions and religious inquisitions that tortured and killed them. The same experience and testimony belongs to literally thousands of pastors in other parts of the world today; men who would find it incomprehensible that a God-called preacher would “leave, or be getting ready to leave” or “about to quit” their churches for reasons of finances, the workload, criticism or other such problems.

The Bible tells us to expect tribulations and trouble and to endure hardness (Matt. 5:10-12; John 16:33; 2 Tim. 3:12). Jesus’ commissioning words to His disciples make it clear that pastors are to see themselves as “sheep among wolves,” not as a bunch of little ministerial sissies deserving of all the sympathy that can be solicited and showered upon them (Matt. 10:16-42). Now, perhaps more than ever before, preachers need to be fighters of the good fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12-16), not fretters and fussbudgets. This isn’t a time for pastors to pout and suck their thumbs; it’s a time for them to make sure they are putting on the whole armor of God and standing for the truth. “ Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13).

People ought to understand and appreciate what pastors do, and they ought to reciprocate the love pastors have for and demonstrate to them (1 Thess.5:12). They ought to be feel and show more consideration for them in light of certain circumstances and conditions. They ought to take better care of their pastors financially than they usually do (1 Cor. 9:7-11). But, here’s a “newsflash:” this doesn’t always happen. It may be the exception and not the rule when and where it does happen. The Bible reminds us that however scarce reward, recognition, commendation may be now for work well done, it will be a sure thing later when and where it really counts (Matt. 25:21; 2 Tim. 4:8; Phil. 3:14).

This article, “Six Reasons … “ reeks of the corruptive influence of worldly culture that has seeped into modern Christian thought. There’s too much of the “entitlement,” victimhood” mentality in the “poor little you,” “poor little them, “poor little me,” message that is in writing like this; writing that has become increasingly popular; but, in the context of what constitutes true Christianity and true Christian ministry, is still as improper, inexcusable, unprofitable, and unedifying as it has always been.

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