I personally appreciate and support all of President Trump’s positions other than that on term limits, which I have addressed in a previous post.
Meanwhile, here’s a question: Is there any part of what is proposed in this video that you think is unnecessary or irresponsible? And, aside from the fact that “God is still on His throne,” and that “Jesus is coming soon,” etc. (something all born-again and Bible believing Christians acknowledge and rejoice in) is there any good reason why anyone in America should not support and pray for the success of these policies? Notice, these policies, among other things, are:
1. Aimed at preserving freedom of religion, and curtailing discrimination against and persecution of Christians; something currently taking place and escalating in America.
2. Aimed at strengthening our national security and good future prospects by abolishing and bringing to justice a corrupt government bureaucracy, consisting mainly of unelected officials that has been weaponized against the American people.
3. Aimed at defeating the efforts of America’s domestic enemies to “fundamentally transform America” into a socialist/communist state; "enemies within," who have, throughout our history, been recognized as, and who remain, the gravest threat to our Republic and to individual liberty. These "enemies within are currently entrenched in all of our institutions and in the deep state/shadow government which now makes no secret of its existence, its. power and its intentions.
4. Aimed at abolishing the multi-tiered justice system that now operates one way for the rich, powerful and politically connected, and another way for the rest of us.
As mentioned in a previous post, apparently “now, for a little space grace hath been shewed from the Lord our God” (Ezra 9:8). This “little space grace” means a limted-time opportunity for repentance and reformation that extends from the house of God to our houses of government and our nation (1 Pet. 4:17; 2 Chron. 7:14).