Charles Darwin thought he and everyone else were descendants of monkeys. He also thought that everything in the universe got its start from an presumed incident which occurred somewhere, at some time, somehow. No real evidence has ever been presented for any of this line of thinking and an abundance or hard evidence refutes it for the godless nonsense that that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution represents.
Darwin was honest enough to call what he thought a “theory,” which by definition is “a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain and/or justify something, based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.” A “supposition,” by definition, is “a conjecture, guess, hypothesis, speculation, surmisal.” In other words, the Theory of Evolution has never been anything more than a conglomeration of human imagination mixed with wishful thinking.
Atheists sarcastically (and stupidly) refer to God as “the imaginary Friend” of those who believe in Him, in spite of the manifold evidence there is for God’s existence (Rom. 1:19, 20. In fact and ironically, the Theory of Evolution is the imaginary “invisible friend” of those who want desperately to deny God and thereby any possibility of their personal accountability to Him. The Theory of Evolution is their equivalent of a Santa Claus, an Easter Bunny, a Tooth Fairy and a raggedly little security blanket that they can cling to; the denial strategy of a child with forefingers in his ears shouting “Nah, nah, nah, nah” over and over to drown out whatever he doesn’t want to hear. This is all the Theory of Evolution ever has been, or ever will be.
Unfortunately and shamefully there are professed Christians who have bought into and advocate some version of Darwin’s Theory, not realizing how foolish, hypocritical, convoluted and confusing their position is. They do it because they overrate their intelligence and underrate their ignorance. They do it because they have too much regard for themselves and too little reverence for God (Rom. 12:3; Prov. 9:10; Isa. 55:8, 9). Side note: Christians believe, (1) that God is Truth, (2) that the Bible is His authoritative, altogether accurate and adequate written revelation of Truth (including the Genesis account of creation), and (3) that His Truth is not to be altered or subjected to private interpretation based either on carnal ideas of expediency or prideful whimsy. (See John 14:6; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Gen. 1, 2; Ps. 119:160; Rev. 22:19; 2 Pet. 1:20, 21).
Christians reject, and should reject, the Theory of Evolution. We see it for the rickety crutch of the imagination it is for those whose love for sin compels them to remain “without hope, and without God in the world” (Eph. 2:12). We don’t need such a pathetic “invisible friend” to put our faith in for time and eternity. We have a real Friend in Him who not only “made heaven and earth and all that in them is,” but also made a way through His incarnation, vicarious death and resurrection victory over death and the grave for us to have eternal life and a home in heaven. See Prov. 18:24; Ex. 20:11; John 1:1-14; 15:13; 5:24.