During my ministry, I have developed a personal, working library of well over 4,000 books. My study where I now live can’t accommodate all these in terms of space available; so, I am offering some of these books for sale at prices that I’ve endeavored to make sure are below anything similar offered on Amazon or e-bay, etc. Shipping and handling is included in the price listed (nowadays, this amounts to $5-$7 per book). Interested parties may feel free to call any time with offers or questions.
Most of the books offered will be in the nature of biblical commentaries, church histories, word studies, etc. I will begin posting these first. The next main category will be historical, followed by some very good and profitable titles of a social/political nature. The following list will be added to on a weekly basis. Please share this with any parties you think may be interested.
Books may. be ordered online or by telephone beginning November1, 2024.
H = Hardback; P = Paperback; EVG = Excellent to Very good G=Good; F=Fair
Commentary on O. T., R.C.H. Lenski; 12 vol. ; . (H; EVG) $200
J. C. Philpot sermons 9 vol. (H; EVG) $100
Spurgeon Expository Encyclopedia 15 Vol.; (H; EVG) $350
Works of John Flavel 6 Vol.; (H; EVG) $175
Works of Thomas Boston 12 Vol, (H; EVG) $350
Calvin’s Commentary 22 vol. (H; EVG) $450
Puritan Sermons 6 Vol.; (H. EVG) $500
Works of Thomas Manton, 22 vol.; (H; EVG) $450
The Speaker’s Bible (Hastings) 18 Vol (H; G) $50
Wesley’s Works, 14 vol. (H; EVG) $235
Preaching of G. Campbell Morgan 10 vol.; (H; EVG) $100
$10 Works of Jonathan Edwards 2 vol., (G-VG) $65
Benjamin Warfield 10 vol.; (H; VG) $120
N.T. Com. Hendrickson & Kistemaker, 11 Vol. (H; VG) $300
Trapp’s Commentary on the N.T. (H; VG) $16
Joseph Parker, Preaching Thru the Bible 14 vol. (H; EVG) $200
Works of William Bridge 5 vol.; (H; EVG). $100
Thomas Brooks 6 vol. (H; EVG) $295
Miracles and & of Our Lord, Spurgeon, 3 vol. (H; EVG) $50
Expositions of Holy Scripture, Maclaren, 17 Vol. (H;EVG) $250
Pulpit Commentary 23 Vol. (H; EVG) $300
Bible Commentary F. C. Cook 10 vol. . (H;EVG) $250
Matthew Poole’s Commentary 3 vol.; . (H;EVG) $135
Interpretation of the English Bible, Carroll 6 vol.; . (H;EVG) $125
The Theocratic Kingdom, Peters 3 vol.; (H; EVG) $125
O. T. Bible Exposition Comm, Wiersbe; 2 Vol. (H; E) $40
N. T. Bible Exposition Commentary, Wiersbe , 2 Vol. (H; E) $40
The Greek N.T., Alford 4 vol (Matt.-Rev); (H;EVG) $100
The Creeds of Christendom, P. Schaff 3 vol.; (H; EVG) $65
Barnes Notes 25 vol., (H; EVG) $135
Systematic Theology, J. Rushdooney 2 vol. (H;EVG) $70
Institutes of Biblical Law, J. Rushdooney 2 vol. (H;EVG) $60
Genesis, James Boice, 3 vol. (P; G) $30
Even in Darkness, Keddie (P; VG) $8
Erdman’s Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 4 vol. (H;EVG) $65
Psalm 119, Charles Bridges (H;EVG) $15
Ecclesiastes, Hengstenberg (H;EVG) $40
Ecclesiastes, Charles Bridges (H;EVG) $20
Psalms, W. G. Scroggie, (H; EVG) $25
Exploring the Psalms, John Phillips 5 vol. (H;EVG) $65
Exploring the Future, John Phillips (H;EVG) $10
A Guide to the Gospels, W. G. Scroggie (H; VG) $20
The Millennium, L. Boettne, (H; EVG) $25
The Divine Covenants, A. W. Pink, (H; EVG) $25
Existence and Attributes of God, Charnock 2 V., (H; EVG) $30
Know Your Bible, W. G. Scroggie (H; EVG) $20
The Writings of John Leland, (H; EVG) $25
Lectures on Revival, W.B. Sprague, (H; EVG) $25
Lectures To My Students, Spurgeon. (H;EVG) $12
Historical Collections of Acts of Revival, J. Gillies, (H;EVG) $60
The Christian Ministry, Charles Bridges, (H; VG) $15
The Joy of Preaching, Phillips Brooks (P; G) $10
On Preaching, H. B. Charles (H; EVG) $10
Dabney on Preaching, R. L. Dabney, (HB; VG) $20
Pastoral Theology, Patrick Fairbairn, (HB; VG) $25
Preacher’s and Preaching, D. M. Lloyd-Jones, (H;VG) $14
Famine in the Land, S. Lawson, (H; VG) $10