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Some of the most amoral and dangerous people in the western world, or anywhere else for that matter, are those who pass themselves off as “experts” and “intellectuals.” These are those who continue to spread disinformation and insist on treatments that have resulted in over a million deaths in the U. S. alone during the last few years, many if not most of which were unnecessary. This in spite of the majority of genuine scientists worldwide who protest these bogus “experts” and present factual evidence that disproves their failed-time-and-time-again pontifications.

“Intellectuals” in academia who are committed to the mental zaniness of the woke movement have corrupted the minds of several generations, with their rewriting of history, "hate America" classroom indoctrination and promotion of every kind of social degradation imaginable. In the field of art, modern day intellectuals have turned our once great art museums into places where every kind of obscenity is displayed; places whose curators see more artistic worth in a photograph of a shoe with toilet paper stuck to its sole than they do in a painting by Rembrandt or Raphael.

Self-styled “intellectuals” as authors are some of the most gutter-minded, violence-minded whacked out people in our society. Their “contribution“ to the field of writing has been to put plain old dirty pornography into the category of literature, equal, if not superior to the works of Shakespeare, Dickens or Mark Twain.

Bogus, self-styled intellectuals with all their deviance and rottenness of perception and outlook are dangerous to common rank and file people, to their families and futures. Wherever they wield influence, in politics, academia, the media, science, industry—anywhere—they are a menace. These are the abortion and euthanasia lovers, the depopulation cheerleaders, the social engineers, the “We know what’s best for everybody else" crowd. They are the sin-sickened equivalent of a marauding, rabies infected, band of vicious baboons. (My apologies to rabid baboons since they can’t help what they are).

Thank God for genuine intellectuals, a good example being the recently deceased British historian Paul Johnson, author of more than fifty books. Though he never referred to himself as one, he is recognized by his peers as being both a true intellectual, and “a good man.” In 2009 his important and very readable book, Intellectuals was published. The last page is worth the price of the book; on it he wrote:

“The belief seems to be spreading that intellectuals are no wiser as mentors, or worthier as exemplars than the witch doctors or priests of old. I share that skepticism. A dozen people picked at random on the street are at least as likely to offer sensible views on moral and political matters as a cross section of the intelligentsia. But I would go further.. One of the principle lessons of our tragic century, which has seen so many millions of innocent people sacrificed in schemes to improve the lot of humanity, is —beware intellectuals. Not only should they be kept well away from the scepters of power, they should also be objects of particular suspicion when they offer collective advice … discount their verdicts on political leaders and important events … Above all, we must at all times remember what intellectuals habitually forget: that people matter more than concepts and must come first. The worst of all despotisms is the heartless tyranny of ideas.”


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