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On September 5th, I was admitted to ICU, and diagnosed with stage 5.2 sepsis. My family was told that stage 2 sepsis is normally fatal, and weren’t given much hope for my survival. Discoloration of my feet and legs, called “marblelization,” explained by medical staff present as indicative of approaching death, had already commenced and was visible. Nevertheless, 29 days later I was released early, upon my request, from the hospital to continue a rehabilitation and recovery process at home. I consider this a miracle, manifested by the grace of God in answer to the many prayers of friends and family, and through the human instrumentality of a competent and dedicated medical staff.


Consequent to all this, I’ve made some decisions relative to the future that will impact my preaching schedule and that include an indefinite suspension of my activity on Facebook, with few if any exceptions. I am sincerely grateful to those who have followed my posts through the years. I will still be blogging regularly on my website, and I hope you’ll visit me there.


I have a wonderful wife diligently watching over me, and feel that I am regaining strength daily. Thanks so much to the many of you who have prayed and are praying for me.  I covet a continuing place in your prayers. Most of all, all praise be to God, Who has, for His own (as of now) mysterious reasons, spared my life for the sake of His own good purposes. I hope to find His perfect will and purpose in all this and embrace and serve it as perfectly as I can.


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