Contrary to the proponents of euthanasia, the duty of the elderly isn’t to die. The duty of the elderly is to live. The only duty they have toward dying is their duty to die to self (Luke 9:23, 24; Rom. 6:11). The elderly do have a duty to die to selfishness, pettiness, groveling weakness and negativity and any sense of whining entitledness, etc. Older people have a profoundly sacred duty to live and do the very best they can with what they have, wherever they are. Henri Frederic Amiel rightly said, “To learn how to grow old is the master-work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.”
We desperately need the elderly in America to contend for the Christian faith, to stand against evil and stand up for America against those who are trying now to bring America down. Older people need to live and set an example, and hold up a standard for the young all across this nation – in their families, neighborhoods and churches. Walter B. Knight said, “The hoary head is a crown of glory if found in the way of righteousness. It is a fool’s cap if found in any other way.
Those who are older among us need to do less resigning to life and more re-signing up for life. They need to just say “No” to, and fight tooth and nail against, those who, by biblicall definition, are godless fools; those who are telling them that they have a duty to die. Every American of every age needs to do the same thing. (Read Ps. 71:18).