Incorrectly and to our peril, many Americans have made the human element involved with government synonymous with government itself. George Washington articulated what all the founding fathers believed about the human element in government when he said that “Government is like fire, it is a dangerous servant and fearful master.” We need a revival of understanding that the human part of our government is the part that is dangerous and to be feared.
The Constitution was drafted in large measure to protect us from human tyranny in the form of a president turned dictator or a Congress of Supreme Court turned oligarchy, etc. Ours is a government of written law that pertains as equally to the President and any other person involved in government as it does to the poorest and most powerless citizen.
The human element necessary to the functioning of government, on either the local, state or federal level, is a “necessary evil.” Americans have no problem understanding the “necessary” part, but have unfortunately, and again to our peril, forgotten the “evil” part—the part that is inherently problematic wherever men and women are involved in anything. (see Rom. 5:12; Prov. 14:12; 29:2).
Elected officials and bureaucracies can quit thinking of themselves as part of the people, and servants to the people, themselves governed by and under the Constitution. When they do this, they very quickly become, tyrannical, and very really, the enemies of the people. Thomas Jefferson’s warning has never been more urgently needed than it is now. He said, “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
The last hundred years generally speaking, and the last four years in particular, have shown us how corrupt and deadly, how utterly evil, government can become when men and women involved in it become a law unto themselves and govern based on godless ideologies, greed and selfish lust for power. These are those who throw off the “chains of the Constitution” and give rein to just about every form of evil that fallen and depraved human nature is capable of. Thus, we have the legalization of abortion, same sex marriage, sex change operations on children, and hundreds of other moral atrocities and abominations pushed by evil people in government to become the “New Normal” in America
Sheer evil has, for the most part, has long dominated and driven our government, and must be recognized for what it is. Those in government who proudly and ruthlessly promulgate evil must be recognized for who they are—members of the Democratic Party and people on the opposite of the aisle who aid and abet the platform and agenda of the Democratic Party.
Very importantly, it must be recognized that it is the primary responsibility and duty of every Christian and church to resist and overcome evil, politically, socially, religiously and wherever else it rears its head. God has given this duty and responsibility to no others.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21). “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”(Matt. 16:18b).