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The key characteristics of those holding the cultural levers of power in America academically, economically, socially and spiritually are ugly and frightening. These are, (1) malevolence (a hate-generated desire to cause harm or evil), (2) depravity and (3) an obsession with a culture of death. These people have for decades used public education to introduce their own wicked traits to, and cultivate their own wicked traits in America’s young people. In this, the wicked have been immeasurably successful.

Why do the wicked elite and their ilk do what they do? Here’s why: “The wicked cannot sleep unless they do evil, and they are deprived of sleep unless they make someone stumble and fall” (Prov. 4:16). In other words, they have an innate, incomprehensible-even-to-themselves, desire to corrupt and destroy. They feel threatened by, despise, and make a special target of, such things as innocence, purity and goodness (2 Tim. 3:1-3).

This explains why, in spite of the prominent place our founders gave the Scriptures relative to education, the Bible, in 1963 was removed permanently from public education. It explains why, consequently, wickedness and evil is now generally accepted, embraced and perceived to be normal. Examples: the murder of pre- and post-born babies [Roe v. Wade; 1973], the popularization and prevalence of sodomy [Lawrence v. Texas; 2003] and the legalization of homosexual marriage [Obergefell v. Hodges; 2015].

When sweeping changes take place in a society as to how evil is perceived, changes in social values inevitably result. Social values become corrupted, dangerous and diabolical in nature. The rules of law are lowered, altered and ignored. Justice is no longer blind, but becomes biased in favor of the wicked and against everyone else, especially those not in lockstep with the wicked.

The wicked have done what they’ve done and continue to do what they do, Christianity has simultaneously shed less and less light and lost more and more of its savor (Matt. 5:13-16). Voices crying in the wilderness (John 1:23) have become rare. Men who will “stand in the gap” and be a “repairer of the breach” and a “restorer of paths to dwell in” (Isa. 58:12) are scarce. Those in leadership in families and churches who, of all people, need to be of sound minds appear to have lost their minds.


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