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Many people share President Trump's position on term limits (see with the exception of those pertaining to term limits (Copy and paste: Here's why:


First, the average time in office for members of the House of Representatives (who come up for reelection every 2 years) is 8-9 years. The average time in office for Senators (who comes up for reelection every 6 years) is 11-12 years.  Granted, there are congressmen (a small minority of them) who have stayed in office for decades who are self-serving “bad apples.” But the automatic terming out of honest, hard working, congressmen who have gained valuable experience for their work because of a few bad to rotten apples, to me, doesn’t make good sense. Instead it is likely to bring about a state of political chaos that will be anything but beneficial to the people. Terms limits may be politically equivalent to a game of Russian roulette played every two years where House Representatives are concerned and every 6 years where Senators are concerned.


Secondly, term limits actually increase the size of government and are conducive to corruption. Here’s why: Inexperienced congressmen coming into office lean on unelected department heads, other bureaucrats, ever-present lobbyists and special interest groups for information about how to vote on legislation and are influenced accordingly. They do this usually because they haven’t had time to get their political “sea legs,” and enter office with a political naivety that makes them vulnerable. Term limits sounds like a quick fix to bad government, but in fact, makes bad government worse.


Thirdly, the term limits proposition gives voters a false sense of their having done something to limit government, when it fact, as suggested above, the imposition of term limits produces the opposite outcome. An example is the State of Missouri that several years ago, voted for term limits. The result is a matter of record: Although term limits resulted at the time in some added protection of the Second Amendment and some small tax cuts, it also resulted in doubling both the size of the state’s government and its budget. This is how it works, and what is generally and really produced by term limits.


There is in my opinion, a sensible, workable and effective alternative to term limits for senators and representatives on both the state and federal levels. That is to term limit, not the members of the houses, but the leadership of both houses. This would prevent "rotten apple" Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer and Mitch McConnell types, both at the federal and the state level, from becoming entrenched in seats of power where they may, and often do, become, virtual tyrants.


Creating a false sense of “doing something” to limit government by imposing term limits is attractive to voters, but it is counterproductive. There's a better, more realistic and effective alternative which involves two things: (1) the adoption of what have been suggested in the preceding paragraph, and (2) that voters do the mental heavy lifting requisite to the exercise personal responsibility which means their becoming well informed about candidates and smarter relative to who they support for political office.


Now, back to President-elect Trump’s 3 minute declaration of intent once he is actually in office beginning with a question for those reading this post.


   Question: Is there any part of what is proposed in this video that you think is unnecessary or irresponsible? And, aside from the fact that “God is still on His throne,” and that “Jesus is coming soon,” etc. (something all born-again and Bible believing Christians acknowledge and rejoice in) is there any reason why anyone in America should not support and pray for the success of these policies? Notice, these policies, among other things, are:


1. Aimed at preserving freedom of religion, and curtailing discrimination against and persecution of Christians; something currently taking place and escalating in America.


2.   Aimed at strengthening our national security and good future prospects by abolishing and bringing to justice a corrupt government bureaucracy, consisting mainly of unelected officials that has been weaponized against the American people.


3. Aimed at defeating the efforts of America’s domestic enemies to “fundamentally transform America” into a socialist/communist state; "enemies within," who have, throughout our history, been recognized as, and who remain, the gravest threat to our Republic and to individual liberty. These "enemies within are currently entrenched in all of our institutions and in the deep state/shadow government which now makes no secret of its existence, its. power and its intentions.


4.   Aimed at abolishing the multi-tiered justice system that now operates one way for the rich, powerful and politically connected, and another way for the rest of us.





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