There are people (myself included) who take exception to certain aspects of Donald Trump’s personality, manner of speaking and some of the life choices he’s made. Some of these people (myself definitely not included) will vote reluctantly for him this time or, “as a matter of principle,” will not vote at all rather than vote for him. Based upon his track record as President and the love of country and concern for the American people that he has demonstrated at great personal sacrifice, I do support him and will continue to do so, up to and when it is time for me to cast my vote.
In all fairness, it needs to be noted that many of our past presidents were no more moral, and some of them much less moral and upstanding in their lives than Donald Trump—men like Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton, Obama and Biden come to mind, and some Republican presidents could also be thrown into this mix or “mess,” as the case may be. These men just didn’t get the “press” Trump has gotten and didn’t have the same rabidly ruthless enemies that Trump has—enemies driven by self-interest, committed to satanic ideologies and who now control our institutions; enemies for whom mainline media has become a propaganda machine in collusion with them and constantly in attack mode. So, those who are thinking about not voting for Trump “as a matter of principle” might want to do a little more thinking with this in mind.
There are other things for voters to keep in mind. One is, that there is nothing overstated in the assertion that the alternative to Trump’s election will mean the shaping of America into nothing less than a communist government; something that has already, in large measure, become a reality). The alternative to Trump's election is a life under totalitarianism that is now incomprehensible to most Americans; Americans who, regardless of their party. affiliation, have been dumbed-down for decades by the educational system, entertainment and media propaganda. The change will be traumatic and unhinging for a population unprepared by personal experience or education for the miseries and horrors of life under socialism and communism, and that refuses to heed the warnings of those, now living here, who have escaped life under these systems.
The reelection of President Trump may do little more than prolong the divine, Sodom and Gomorrah-type judgment that America has earned and deserves as a nation; but it may give Christians some “space to repent” (Rev. 2:21) that, if acted upon, could make all the difference. There is nothing “too hard” for God, and He has promised, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).
There’s something else to be kept in mind by the “never” and “not-for-now” folks who, as ”a matter of principle,” won’t vote at all rather than vote for Trump. This is, that a non-vote for one candidate is in principle, in fact, and in every practical, countable way, a vote for the other candidate. Every such non-vote is a de facto vote that will count for Trump’s opposition and the inevitable, irreversible, dominance of the communist mindset and its policies in America.
Those devoted to voting or not voting as ”a matter of principle” may want to consider the principle/s involved in upholding and protecting the Bible-based principles of the United States Constitution and our Bill of Rights. These are some pretty important “principles” to stand for, and there’s no more realistic way to take a stand for “principles” than by way of the ballot box—doing the best you can to protect all that you can of the principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness upon which this nation was founded and depends. (Share this if you can).