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Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was called the “passionate atheist.” He hated Christianity and railed and wrote against it vehemently and relentlessly. He didn’t believe in God, the Bible, heaven or hell —none of it — and he considered anyone a fool who did. A profoundly wicked man himself, he described Christianity as “wickedness.”

Many people share Nietzsche’s sentiments as radically as a prominent British writer who recently said that "even if God walked into a room where he was, he would still be an atheist. Many more are less expressive about it, but still, to one degree or another, feel the same way and are influencing others in the same way that Nietzsche did about God. I hope not, but maybe you are in this category.

Nietzsche asked a totally out of character question towards the end of his short life. He said, “But what if God lives, and I have doomed myself to destruction because I have separated myself from Him?” What if it turns out for you that you doomed yourself to destruction because you separated yourself from God?

What if you coome to learn that you have been wrong about everything you now think that you are right about? What if you find out too late that you made a big, irreversible mistake by not giving the serious examination and inquiry that is warrannted by this matter of the existencde of God and your soul’s eternal destiny?

What if you find that it was a spiritually lethal thing for you to have focused on any religious hypocrisy you could see or imagine about Christianity while you ignored the true, good and sincere examples of it that were all around you? What if you doom yourself because of your own hypocrisy, arrogance, well-willed ignorance, and tunnel-visioned disbelief in God?

What if you continue to ignore the truth that “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God, that if you do not come to God for salvation through Jesus Christ your name will not be found in the book of life and you will be cast into the lake of fire” (John 3:3; Rev. 20:15)? What if you ignore God’s promise that He “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life?” (John 3:16). What if? And, What then? (Please share this as much as you can).


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